Friday, November 11, 2011


As college students, we have all declared a major (or will select one at some point before graduation) to pursue. In many situations, there are also a handful of other students in your class on the same path. This can be great for a variety of reasons. You will have a group of peers that will enjoy many of the same classes and frustrations. You will have someone to lean on if you forget the homework or need a study group. However, following exactly the same path of everyone else in your major is not the best idea.
Now, I’m not suggesting moving in the opposite direction simply because everyone else is going another. This is not about non-conformity,it’s about opportunity. Regardless of your major, you must find a way to stand out of the crowd. I’m suggesting that students find an extracurricular activity or organization that they wouldn’t have normally become involved with, and run with it.

Yet another problem of college life is sleeping which distracts many students in academics. I am a victim of all of this infographic’s reasons for not sleeping. I’m a typical college student—I put sleep last on my list of priorities frequently, until I crash and absolutely need to go to bed. So, in addition to your standard rules for better sleep habits, I've learned some more tricks to squeeze in as much sleep as I can. Take a look at this infographic and check out my 5 tips below.
Student sleep : Sleep deprivation among college students

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