Friday, November 18, 2011


From assignments to managing your extracurricular life, it is no secret that college life can be a lot to handle. It is easy to let things get a little disorganized. Homework, classes and social activities are likely taking up much of your time, leaving you little opportunity to think about logical ways to improve and streamline your habits.
A University of Michigan professor, Piers Steel, conducted a study that unveiled that 75 percent of college students consider themselves procrastinators, which had a direct correlation to decreased happiness and health. You can avoid procrastinating by staying organized, which can boost your academic performance and make everything a lot easier. Here are some simple ways you can regain control of your academic life and avoid getting lost in the world of procrastination:
1. Write things down. It sounds simple because it is! As long as you arm yourself with a datebook and a calendar, you should have no trouble remembering when you have to complete projects or meet with your study group. Keep a calendar posted where you can easily see it, and mark important dates in red. Creating a simple to-do list every day will remind you of what you need for the tasks ahead. Just keep a notepad and use it to jot down your necessary activities. Check items off as you complete them.
2. Separate your class materials. There is nothing worse than walking into your math class and realizing you've brought your Science books. It's also not helpful to keep one giant notebook with pages from every class. When you go back and study your materials, you don't want to be bogged down trying to find them. If you get a different folder or binder for each class, you can keep all of your papers and assignments together in one place and always have them available.
3. Treat studying and doing homework like you would a lecture. If you designate a set time for each activity, you'll be more likely to do it rather than getting caught up in a television show or putting it off to hang out with friends. There is no better feeling than knowing you're ahead of the game, and overcoming procrastination by organizing your life is an easy way to get you there.

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